Simple Tips To Give Rooms A Refreshing New Look

The number of people that I know who can change the look of a room by altering everything from the furniture to the paint is an absolute zero. That’s right; no one redecorates all the time. On those rare occasions when people do decide to redecorate, they still try and fit some of the old stuff in or to re-use it somehow. On the other hand the number of people I know who’d love to have a free remodeling of their homes on an annual basis is infinite. Who doesn’t like a new fresh look to their home? Just think how great the family pictures will look with a different background each year and without the cost of having to Photoshop a fireplace into the background?

Since the chances of anyone offering a free annual home remodeling to someone for the rest of their lives is pretty small here are a few modification that you can make to give a fresh look to a room.

Change the knobs on the cabinets

Not just cabinets, but most fixtures, when replaced effect how the room looks. Even if you change the handle on a chest of drawers or give it a new color, it’s going to look wonderful and brand new not to mention it’ll be the change that you want.

Wall paper trimmings

Instead of re-papering an entire wall or repainting something, find a nice elegant wall paper and use it on the edges of a wall or create a frame in frame effect. The trimmings will give the room a new elegant look. It’s also a great way to bring out a wall or complement any frames you may have put up.

Change the lighting

Try changing out the ordinary wall placements with something unique or changing a lampshade. Things like that end up having a profound effect on the room. If you don’t feel like changing any lighting that you’ve installed consider adding some angular wall decorations like shadow boxes to a wall.

Add a funky shelf

Although this technique can’t be used in the living room or the dining area, it’s a great way to give a new fresh look to those parts of a house where you do routine tasks. Take the laundry area or the ironing space. You can brighten it up with some unique shelves (you can also paint the cabinets a new color).

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