The Seed Cathedral Is Revealed

Architectural design isn’t exactly the same as interior design, but I saw this image of the seed cathedral and I couldn’t help but write about it. I don’t exactly have a degree in architecture so all I can really say is that it’s really pretty and darn neat.
According to the Daily Mail, the project cost £25million to build and is 60ft-high in a cube-like formation covered by 60,000 quivering, transparent acrylic rods. I hope they have small miniatures at their gift shop soon. From the little I know about interior design, it’s bound to give a room a nice ‘modern’ look. Each rod is filled with a vegetable seed and it’s going to be the center piece at the Shanghai millennium expo.
The concept behind the design is to make a modern and cutting edge country. I hope it works out to accomplish that, and even if it doesn’t, it’s still fun to look at. I can’t wait for the National Geographic channel to do a feature on it, (I’m hoping it does, the one on Beijing’s Bird’s nest was amazing).

The design is by Thomas Heatherwick and the following abstract rendering of the complete project is featured on his site.

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1 comment:

Ann Master said...

Wonderful house. How much time has spent to arrange this house??

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