A New Living Room for Every Season

Giving a new seasonal look to your living room is easy and not as expensive as you would think. I actually manage to follow the trendy season colors on a nifty budget

I have a fairly distant aunt who lives in Colorado and who I visit for a week once in summer and in fall. She has no kids and a seriously ridiculous amount of money to her name which she gets to spend on redecorating her house on and off. I must have seen at least five different couches and seven different curtains sets in the last two years. Needless to say, I’m more than envious of her. For me the decision to change the way any one room in my house looks takes a long time to make. It’s an ongoing battle with myself. Part of me is comfortable with the way everything’s set and has its own ‘proper place’ but the other part, (the one that I suspect has always led me to believe that I too can model homes and arrange furniture like a pro) is always calling my other half a ‘boring stooge’.

What settles this argument that I have with myself is the fact that I don’t have the money to redecorate a room whenever I get the whim to. When I think I can pull a few corners and fit it into my budget, I recall the horror movie that was buying my curtains. I’ve found an easier way to pacify these redecorating impulses; with cushions!

I get to keep my curtains and my couch and my carpet, I change the cushions to different hues that fit with the room. Luckily my sofa is a fun dirty brown so a lot of colors work with it. I don’t know what all the patterns are called or what ancient wisdom lies behind them but I can still mix and match colors. You can add the brightest of colors to a living room this way.
At Designers Guild there is a huge gallery dedicated to couches, sofas and cushions and it’s always helped me out. The patterns they recommend there are just wonderful and when I want to spoil myself I go for something by Jonathan Adler, just looking at these cushions make me happy enough to float.

The best part of this design is that I can find some nice textured fabric in different colors and sew it together (much like a patchwork quilt) and I have the whole thing for far less!

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