Home Decorating Blues… and Greens

I remember back when Top Design used to air and I’d go gaga over all those rooms they made, the office spaces that were renovated by the contestants took my breath away. I always thought that the bright colors they used could never fit in an ordinary home or an apartment, or should I say, my home/ my apartment. The main problem I had was with how bright the colors were. I love bright colors but when it comes to decorating a room, I think once the new feeling of a room wears off, it begins to look pretty much like a circus side show which is probably why I’ve been just a few steps away from buying floral grandma type furniture. The little color that I do add is always, as I learned on Top Design, a splash of color in an otherwise blandly decorated room. I have a coffee table that has a transparent glass top and as long as my sofas were a murky brown, I put some fake turquoise flowers under it. (I later learnt that Oprah frowns on fake flowers)
I’m slowly coming around now to the idea of using brighter colors and I owe it to some really great ideas that I’ve found online, ones that use two of my favorite colors ever, blue and green.

Like this image I found , it got me thinking that I could combine a bright color with a darker one. I think black gets a bit gloomy but I think brown and turquoise should work just as well. Maybe someday I really will have a brightly colored living room. A room like this would need to have a lot of lighting though so it’s still in the maybe pile. Redoing the fireplace to look like that is out of the question.

This other image that I found seems to me a bit more practical. It’s easy to do, if you have a sofa that you like and don’t want to lose. All you need to do is change the curtains and get cushions to match. It’s all in the colors!

(Pictures are linked to their original source)


Unknown said...

Ann are these Fruits on the table? I have always wanted a room like these with bright colors and comfortable look. Any ways Ann thanx for sharing, really gives me the idea how this can be arranged...:)

Ann Masters said...

Yes, they're fruits, fake ones but they go pretty well with the table because it's wood color and the fruit has earthy browns and reds.

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